
one little guy

One little man on this big planet living the adventure of his lifetime.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Not through yet...

Right now I'm reading "All Marketers Are Liars" - Seth Godin and listening to "The Long Tail" by Chris Anerson. Both interesting and a lot of the books these daze reference each other.

Bought a MacBook Pro on-line yesterday. Had to for work and future teaching gig. I'm learning InDesign CS which is an extension of Illustrator but like Quark. It's awesome.

Really busy but getting a lot done and resting as much as possible.

Raked the last of the ton of leaves yesterday and ran twice after a one week absense. Slept great!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

One little guy blog is on it's last legs

It's been a good learning experience and has prepared me for the real thing.

Once I have lemonvoodoo.com and the blog for that set up I'll put this blog to bed.

RGD conference was good. Some good and some not so good speakers but on the whole good to get away from work with buddies and learn something and see other work accompanied by it's creators.

Still really busy but, it's all good.